2024 - 2025 Swim Team Tryouts or fall season HS Conditioning Interest
Aspire Aquatics will be holding swim team tryouts for the 2024-25 swim season (begins September 2024). We are also collecting interest forms for swimmers who are not year round club swimmers, but are interested in conditioning in the fall for their high school swim team this upcoming school year. We thank you for trusting your child's growth in the sport of swimming to us.
2024-25 year-round Tryouts:
When: Tues, July 16th or Thurs, July 18th. 4:15pm to 5:30pm
Where: Smoky Hill High School
How: Submit your tryout interest form. Instructions below.
What are the minimum swim proficiency requirements to join Aspire Aquatics?
To join Aspire Aquatics, swimmers should be able to swim all four competitive strokes (Freestyle, Butterfly, Backstroke, and Breaststroke).
Age 8 & Under. Can swim one lap 25 yds of each stroke without stopping. 3 of the 4 competitive strokes should be legal
Age 9-11. Can swim 50 yds of each stroke legal with starts and turns and has summer club or year round experience
Age 12 & Over. Can swim 100 yds of each stroke legal with starts and turns and has summer club, high school, or year-round experience
Tryouts: How does my swimmer tryout for Aspire Aquatics?
Complete the Tryout Interest Google Form and email Coach Karen at Karen@Aspireaquatics.com with your interest. Please submit one form for each swimmer in your family. The form is used for either year-round or fall season high school swim pre-season conditioning interest.
Coaches will evaluate the swimmer's recent swim experience and, at their discretion, either invite the swimmer to register via a tryout waiver or the coach will arrange with you a date/time for your swimmer to tryout. Coaches will communicate within 2 business days of receiving your Interest Google Form.
After your tryout is complete, the coaching staff will determine if the swimmer is ready for year-round competitive swimming and if so, the swimmer will be given the approval to register online. If not, the swimmer will be given feedback and alternative options to prepare for future tryouts.
If you have any questions, please email karen@aspireaquatics.com. Please add this email to your contacts, so our email does not go to your spam folder.
Aspire Aquatics may accept prospective swimmers after the season begins, if room is available in the target practice group. please contact karen@aspireaquatics.com if tryout dates have passed.